Learning How to learn - Important Lesson I learnt!

I watch a important session about learning how to learn. Here what i have learn:


Attention to study! Don't be in future or in past, be it in Present and focus on study. Turn off the mobile or any disturbance! Think about the present!

Tag knowledge

Don't put your knowledge in long-term memory "randomly". Tag your knowledge with something. Tagging is actually encoding. So associate an incident or context with you knowledge.

Make chunks

  • Make chunks of your knowledge in order to retain it in your memory.
  • Elaborative rehearsal is the best! First read the book then, make notes. Not read notes first!

Repeat Important Concepts

  • Things that are Important should be described 5 or 6 times in a lecture! Now I also understand why Quran repeats different things on different occasions. Actually, we can get memorization scientific knowledge from Quran. Great!
  • Prior knowledge or rehearsal! To retain knowledge in the memory.
  • 5 to 9 chunks will remains in the memory? Sir how you will define the chunk?
  • I found a person in the Bazar (sensory memory), and my long-term memory clicked, and it said he is my friend. Now, this thing will remain in my short-term memory. Short-term memory converts patterns into meaning. Short-term memory retention time is 30 seconds.
  • Link your sensory memory with Long term memory in order to retain knowledge.
  • If you want to do anything you need to learn it first.
  • Sensory Memory can only perceive either visual thing or auditory things. Other things like tactile also convert either into visual or audio.
  • Memory has three phases, actually they are mixed together but in order to understand you can say that there are three main stores related to three different time frames. They are sensory memory, working/short-term , long-term.
  • Memory is important! It makes human a human! 

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