Unity Collaborate Disadvantages or Limitations

After getting two months of experience with unity collaborate, I am able to highlight some serious problems of Unity collaborate. Or in other words, you can say unity collaborate disadvantages or limitations. 

Learn More: How to Enable Unity Collaborate.

So, without particular order they are given below:

Unity Collaborate Disadvantages/Limitations:

Scene Merging Not Support:

Your scene will be replaced if someone changed the scene on the server and you pull the changes. Your changes will be lost if you are working on the same scene meanwhile you pull all the changes. You have to do some manual work in order to save your work. I found it is better to make a prefab instead of placing your changes or setting in the scene.

Unity Collaborate Project Take Time to Reopen:

        If your project is heavy, heavy means a large project with more files. Then, it will take more time to load. Let say, we open a project that was already on the cloud (collaborate), then it will take time to recheck every file or revalidate the file from the server. Its time consuming and for heavy projects, it takes about half-hour or more.

3.      Unity Collaborate is Slow:

        Collaborate is slow sometimes. It stuck when updating the conflict or changes from the server. Conflict means two users have changed the same file. Then, you have to resolve the conflict either by merging both files or using the server or your file. You can see the difference of the file on third-party tools that unity automatically opens for you if it is already installed.

4.       Changes Some time Not recognized at Scene level:

            I uploaded changes on collaborate, my colleague downloaded the project with the changes but at scene levels, not all changes were sync at his side. At his side, some objects were missing scripts and colliders. It was a very very very strange problem for us (not repeated on other projects). I see that collaborate were not showing any remaining updates. It means that everything was up to date.

5.       Conflict Resolve one by one:

        You have to resolve conflicts one by one.

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