Unity3d Interview questions

Unity3d one of the famous and most amazing cross-platform game-engines that provides a great environment for game development. It is widely used and there are significant opportunities available for game development using this technology. If you want to avail these opportunities then, you must have to prepare yourself for technical questions and this is the reason for this post.

      After making some initial search and an interview experience, we have gathered some of the questions for you that you can consider before conducting or giving an interview as these questions addressing different aspects of unity game engine including programing, unity features and shaders etc. Remember this list does not include all the necessary questions. We will try to update this article in order to make a valuable resource. You can comment to share your interview question so that we can improve this source for our reader. In the future, we have also a plan to write the answer of these questions:
  1. What are the essential components to detect triggers between two objects?
  2. How do unity compound colliders work?
  3. How will you write a program that Converts one range number to another range?
  4. Why delta time use in uniy3d?
  5. Why should be vector normalization use for object movement?
  6. Can you order the function execution? Start(), FixedUpdate(), Update(), OnDestroy(), LateUpdate(), OnDisable(), OnEnabled(), OnGUI()
  7. Does unity support multithreading?
  8. Define coroutine, object pooling?
  9. Which class is used for Asset bundle Loading?
  10. Can you define some best practices in unity3d?
  11. Why asset bundle is used?
  12. How You will optimize your game? what steps you will take to optimize your game?
  13. What is the difference between Resources and StreamingAssets Folder.
  14. Compare streaming asset path and application data path
  15. How can you call C# from Javascript or viceversa?
  16. How to find inactive game objects using a script?
  17. Explain batching (static, non-static).
  18. What is vertex shader and pixel shader?
  19. Can you define some of the basic use of dot product and cross product in game development?
  20. What are the steps of iOS deployment through unity3d?
  21. What is kinematic check do in rigidbody?
  22. Why I can’t set any single axis of position (like this.transform.position.x = 12) in C#?
  23. Comment to share your question, we will update …

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